The Rapid Grants Round is helping community housing organisations in delivering new social housing. It funded over 2300 social housing homes across more than 80 projects, through 21 community housing organisations.
Announced in 2021, the Rapid Grants Round was the first round of grant funding under the Big Housing Build.
The Rapid Grants Round has a total value of over $1 billion and creates up to 9,500 jobs for Victorians.

Over $782 million Victorian Government Funding

21 community housing organisations

83 projects

2,351* homes
* Number of homes are subject to planning approvals
Project highlight
National Affordable Housing
LGA | Homes | Jobs | Vic. Gov. Grant |
Kingston | 120 | 495 | $42.4 million |
We partnered with National Affordable Housing to build 120 homes in Kingston, which can house up to 171 renters.
These homes are in a high-demand area with access to local amenities, including a large shopping centre, bus stops and a train station.
Renters began to move into these homes in January 2023.