Homes for regional and rural Victoria

The Victorian Government is delivering quality social and affordable homes across regional and rural Victoria for those who need them most. 

Current projections indicate regional Victoria’s population will rise to 1.9 million by 2031 and by 2051, around 2.3 million people will call it home. Building social and affordable housing in regional Victoria responds to the increasing population in Victoria’s growth areas and creates more rental housing to support employment growth in regional towns and cities.  

As part of the $5.3 billion Big Housing Build, $1.25 billion is being invested into regional Victoria to ensure the benefits are shared in every corner of the state.  

To further boost investment in regional housing, the Victorian Government has established a $1 billion Regional Housing Fund to deliver 1,300 social and affordable homes, including new and upgraded social housing homes, across regional and rural Victoria. 

The Regional Housing Fund and Big Housing Build will make a significant difference to housing Victorians in greatest need as well as providing more affordable housing for rural and regional communities. 

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