Our Communities: Our Values

Homes Victoria is committed to principled, meaningful and inclusive engagement with residents, stakeholders and communities, to ensure the people who will live and use new homes and precincts can be involved in their development. We have worked with residents to co-design these values and principles - all of equal importance – to ensure residents and communities are at the center of everything we do, and their input can help shape best-for-community and best-for-project outcomes. 

How did we engage with renters?

Image of Community Values Pentagram stating connection, respect,self determination, diversity and transparent

Over November and December 2023, we held 9 workshops with renter voice groups asking them what values are most important to them when the department is engaging with community. 

The most important values to residents were respect, inclusiveness, self-determination, transparency, meaningful, connection, and diversity, which informed the next phase of engagement open to all residents in the 21 high-rise housing precincts in Melbourne.  

Over April and May 2024, the Our Communities: Our Values engagement program held 23 in person sessions across all high-rise public housing towers and an online survey through Engage Victoria.  

The program focused on residents’ feedback on the community values and their ideas for how they could be brought to life. 

Find out more about the Our Communities: Our Values community engagement and view the engagement report on the Engage Victoria website.