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All housing options

Housing explainer

Learn more about the different types of housing available to people living in Victoria.

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Crisis Accommodation

Crisis accommodation is short-term housing that is offered to people who are at risk of homelessness or are already rough sleeping or experiencing homelessness.

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Get help for family violence

If you are experiencing family violence, there is help available.

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Social housing

Social housing is long-term rental housing available to people who face challenges that make it difficult to secure safe and suitable housing in the private rental market

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Aboriginal housing

Aboriginal housing is housing that provides a culturally safe housing option for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Victorians.

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Support for people with a disability

If you have a disability, you may be able to get help to stay in your home

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Affordable housing

Find our more about the range of affordable housing programs available in Victoria.

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Homelessness support

If you are homeless or at risk of homelessness, there is help available

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