The New Rental Development Program gives funding for the lease or purchase of new homes from the private sector for use as social housing.
The New Rental Development Program was announced in 2020. The program helps community housing agencies to buy or lease homes from the private sector. These homes must be used as social housing. Renters are allocated from the Victorian Housing Register with the homes are managed by the community housing organisations. You can learn more about community housing.
The New Rental Development Program delivered over 400 rental homes. The program aims to add more available social housing homes in Victoria, but is not part of the Big Housing Build. The Program does this by helping organisations invest in new social housing.

Over $60 million over 10 years of Victorian Government Funding (NRDP1)

4 community housing organisations

Over 400 homes
Project highlight
Housing Choices Australia and Women's Property Initiatives
LGA | Homes |
Merri-bek | 25 delivered under the Build and Operate Program and New Residential Development Program funding |
The Nightingale Housing Village is a collection of six residential apartments in Brunswick.
Homes Victoria awarded Housing Choices Australia and Women’s Property Initiatives funding to build 25 homes within the Nightingale Village.
The development offers high-quality, environmentally friendly housing offers renters high quality homes in a great location. Housing Choices Australia delivered 16 new homes under the Social Housing Growth Fund’s New Residential Development Program. Women’s Property Initiatives built 9 new homes as part of the Social Housing Growth Fund’s Build and Operate Program.
The design of the apartments have energy efficient measures built in. These help residents stay cool on hot days and warmer when it’s cold. The building has an average of at least 7.5-star Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme rating. Features include:
- double glazing,
- great insulation
- and 100% certified Green Power with solar panels on the roof.
The project was completed and tenanted in June 2022.
Housing Choices Australia and Women's Property Initiatives apartments in Brunswick. Photo: Housing Choices Australia