North Melbourne precinct
Located across 3 sites in the heart of North Melbourne between, Alfred, Melrose and Sutton Streets and Boundary Road, as well as Canning Street and Abbotsford Street, the North Melbourne precincts are home to 590 households. The precinct is a mix of existing towers built between 1963 and 1970 and new developments on Abbotsford Street, North Melbourne.
The local housing office is located at 33 Alfred Street in North Melbourne.
Precinct status
Residents living at 33 Alfred Street, North Melbourne have started the relocations process which is due to be complete by September 2025. Renters living at 159 Melrose Street, 12 Sutton Street and 76 Canning Street are not currently required to relocate.
We do not anticipate any further relocations before July 2026.

This is Australia’s largest urban renewal project with a pipeline of projects between now and 2051. It will transform Melbourne’s high-rise social housing neighbourhoods, redeveloping 44 ageing high-rises and other buildings with modern, accessible and energy efficient homes and improved community facilities. Once completed, there will be at least 10% more social housing for Victorians who need it and more homes close to schools, services, transport and jobs.
This is a long-term project that will happen in careful stages. When it’s time to move, residents are given plenty of notice and help from our relocations team to find a suitable new home. This includes homes in your neighbourhood if you choose.
When new homes are built residents have the right to return to their neighbourhood based on their ongoing eligibility, needs and suitability of the new homes. You can also choose to stay in your new home if that suits you better at the time.
Frequently asked questions
Why the high-rises being redeveloped?
Why not just renovate?
When do I have to move?
How does the relocations process work?
Get in touch
Send us and email or sign up to receive project updates. You can also attend events happening in your area.