High-rise redevelopment update: Flemington and North Melbourne

Posted on: 29/10/2024 - 2:32pm

Renters relocating from North Melbourne and Flemington high rise towers have been moving into the newly built social housing at Victoria Street, Flemington over recent months. 

This has included returning renters who had previously been relocated. These units are quickly being taken up with renters enjoying their new homes, comfortable living space and private facilities. Renters will soon be offered new homes at our latest development at Abbotsford Street, North Melbourne

This is the second of the two new developments in the local area that are available for you to consider as a new home. Please notify your relocation officer if you would like to consider the new homes at Abbotsford Street, North Melbourne. Now is the time to express your interest to tour the site and view the new homes in your local area. 

If you are relocating to a new home soon and have any questions about the process, please contact your relocation officer. If you are unsure of who your relocation officer is, or you do not have their contact details, please email relocationsteam@homes.vic.gov.au or contact your local housing office for assistance. 

For all households at other high-rise locations who don’t need to move right now, we’re continuing to reach out to provide information and advice, so you feel fully informed and supported when it comes time to move

About the High-Rise Redevelopment

Our older public housing towers are coming to the end of their operational life. The unique design of the buildings also means it is no longer feasible to continue to upgrade the high-rise buildings to the quality, comfort and standards renters deserve. 

Homes Victoria is taking steps towards retiring our older public housing towers.

Homes Victoria will retire and transform 44 older-style towers across Melbourne over the coming years.

We will deliver modern, accessible homes, and better community facilities.

All renters will be provided with comprehensive information and support (including in-language information) about next steps as we move to retire high-rise housing and build new, more and better housing.