About the project
Homes Victoria is delivering more and better homes in Heidelberg West.
Homes Victoria will deliver 104 new homes in Heidelberg West including 53 social homes and 51 affordable homes. The supply of new homes will help tackle housing affordability, and provide more Victorians with a safe, secure place to live.
The Bell-Bardia site is located between Bell and Bardia Streets in Heidelberg West, 10km northeast of the Melbourne CBD. The site is ideally situated near education facilities, public transport, community services, the Bell Street Mall, the Austin Hospital, and other key destinations including Darebin Creek and Northland Shopping Centre.
The Stage 1 development proposal will deliver new homes at the eastern portion of the Bell-Bardia site including a mix of one-, two- and three-bedroom homes, and new landscaped communal green spaces. The development is jointly funded through the Australian Government's Social Housing Accelerator and the Victorian Government's Big Housing Build.
Project update
From Monday 4 until Monday 25 November 2024, we consulted the community and stakeholders on the plans for the Bell-Bardia, Heidelberg West housing site.
Thank you to everyone that took part in the consultation process
All feedback received during community consultation is currently being collated and analysed.
A report on the outcomes of community consultation will be included in the planning application, which will be submitted to the Minister for Planning in late 2024. The report will be made available on the Engage Victoria webpage for this project after a decision is made on the planning application.
For further information about community consultation on the Bell-Bardia, Heidelberg West project, please visit Engage Victoria.
Fast facts
The project is located on Homes Victoria land between Bell Street and Bardia Streets, Heidelberg West in the City of Banyule.
The redevelopment will deliver 104 homes including 53 social homes and 51 affordable homes, with a mix of one- 2- and 3-bedroom homes.
The new homes are all electric, more comfortable, and less expensive to heat and cool with a 5-star Green Star energy rating, and 7-star NatHERS average rating.
Accessible accommodation will be available for people with a disability.
The redevelopment includes pathways connecting homes to the surrounding neighbourhood.
There are safe and communal spaces, including new landscaped green spaces.
Bell-Bardia, Heidelberg West (Stage 1) redevelopment site.
Project announcement
June 2024
Phase 1 - Community consultation to shape the future site
July 2024
Phase 2 -Community consultation on proposed plans.
Late 2024
Construction commences (pending approvals)
Project completion
This timeline may be subject to change depending on project needs.
Fact sheet
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Contact us
Email icon:For more information about the Bell-Bardia, Heidelberg West housing project please contact us at westheidelberg@homes.vic.gov.au
Phone icon:or call 1300 870 250