Social housing allocations report for the 2022/2023 financial year

About this data

The department is committed to increasing transparency of social housing (public and community housing) data. The social housing allocations data provides information about the allocations made by public housing and community housing organisations who are participating registered agencies to applicants from the Victorian Housing Register.

To uphold privacy information requirements, the release of the data is in line with the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.

Data is accurate at the time of publication. Regular quality checks may result in small changes to previously published data.

Number of new and transfer allocations

Social housing allocations are categorised as ‘new’ or ‘transfer’ allocations:

  • New allocations are households entering into social housing.  Before living in social housing, these households may have been experiencing homelessness or housing stress, including living in crisis or transitional housing, living with family or friends or in private rental. 
  • Transfer allocations are households already living in public or community housing and due to changes in their circumstances have relocated to another public or community housing home.
  • Total allocations includes both new and transfer social housing allocations.
Allocations into social housing Community housing Public housing All social housing allocations
Allocations to new applicants 2,196 2,883 5,079
Allocations to transferring households 338 1,735 2,073
Total allocations 2,534 4,618 7,152

*13% of community housing allocations were to rooming houses, a form of housing not offered by public housing. 

Allocations by application types

Applicants who meet the eligibility criteria for social housing are placed on the VHR according to their housing need.

The VHR consists of 2 application types:

  • Priority access: for people most in need of housing, and
  • Register of interest: for people who do not have an urgent housing need but are seeking to live in social housing.
Allocations by type Community housing Public housing All social housing allocations
Priority category allocations 2,002 4,402 6,404
Register of Interest allocations 532 216 748
Total allocations 2,534 4,618 7,152

New allocations only for the 2022-23 financial year

The following provides information on new allocations only for VHR category, household type, Aboriginal households and location of allocated social housing.

VHR Category

There are 6 broad categories of priority access for new applicants on the VHR. An eligible applicant must meet specific criteria within one of these categories to be approved for priority access. In order of priority these categories are:

Emergency management housing: for people whose housing is no longer safe or habitable, due to an emergency, for example, a bushfire, flood or storm

Homeless with support: for people who are homeless or experiencing family violence and need support to obtain and establish appropriate, long-term housing

Supported housing: for people who live in unsuitable housing and have a disability or long-term health problem requiring major structural modifications and/or personal support to live independently

Special housing needs: for people who are living in housing that has become unsuitable and who have no alternative housing options

Special housing needs aged 55 years and over: for people who are eligible for social housing who are aged 55 years and over and are not eligible for another priority category. This category only applies to single people or couples.

In addition to the 5 priority access categories, there is the Register of Interest application type:

Register of Interest: for people who do not have an urgent housing need but are seeking to live in social housing.

VHR Category – new allocations only Community housing Public housing All social housing allocations
Emergency Management 422 536 958
Homeless with support 820 1,706 2,526
Supported Housing 36 35 71
Special Housing Needs 273 269 542
Special Housing Needs aged 55 years and over 163 164 327
Register of Interest 482 173 655
Total new allocations 2,196 2,883 5,079

Household type – new allocations only

The different household types on the VHR are outlined below:

Single youth – one person on the application under the age of 25 years.

Singles general – one person on the application between the ages of 25-54 years.

Elderly single – one person on the application over the age of 55 years.

Elderly couple – 2 people on the application both over the age of 55 years with 1 household member related to the other household member.

Couple no children – 2 people who are a couple on the application.

Couple with children – 2 people who are a couple on the application with dependants.

Single parent – one person on the application with dependants.

Group households – Households comprising of 2 or more single persons over the age of 18 years. The individuals may or may not be related. For example, this could include two or more single people intending to live in a shared arrangement or a single parent with dependants whose family member/s are also living in the household.

Household type – new allocations only Community housing Public housing All social housing allocations
Single youth 103 103 206
Single General 852 727 1,579
Elderly single 431 819 1,250
Elderly couple 35 45 80
Couples  40 22 62
Couple with children 46 62 108
Single person with children 589 955 1,544
Group household 100 150 250
Total new allocations 2,196 2,883 5,079

Aboriginal households – new allocations only

This data reports on the number of households where one or more individuals identify as Aboriginal (which includes people who identify as Aboriginal, people who identify as Torres Strait Islander and people who identify as both Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) and have been allocated social housing from the VHR.

 Households where one or more individuals identify as Aboriginal – new allocations only Community housing Public housing All social housing allocations
Aboriginal households 329 481 810
Non-Aboriginal households 1,867 2,402 4,269
Total new allocations 2,196 2,870 5,079


Allocations by location – new allocations only Community housing Public housing All social housing allocations
Inner metro Melbourne 427 339 766
Middle metro Melbourne 751 725 1,451
Outer metropolitan Melbourne 554 472 1,026
Regional and rural Victoria 464 1,347 1,811
Total new allocations 2,196 2,883 5,076