Uniting Housing Victoria Ltd, Wangaratta
We partnered with Uniting Housing Victoria Ltd to deliver 44 new homes in Wangaratta.
This project includes 18 one-bedroom, 20 two-bedroom and 6 three-bedroom community housing homes.
Construction of these homes was completed in 2025.

Uniting Housing Victoria Ltd
Uniting Housing Victoria Ltd is a registered housing agency and community services organisation of the Uniting Church, providing support to people who are experiencing or at risk of homelessness. In addition to managing social and affordable housing, Uniting Housing provide homelessness support and emergency accommodation, crisis accommodation, transitional housing and retirement living.
Community housing is the name used for social housing that is managed by not-for-profit community housing organisations.
Get in touch
For tenancy and general enquiries about this project please contact the team at Uniting Housing (Vic) Limited.