Information for neighbours
We know your neighbourhood is important to you. The redevelopment at Richmond will mean more modern, secure and sustainable homes for Victorians that need it the most. It will also mean better pathways and connections, and public spaces for the whole community.

What to expect during deconstruction and construction
What can I expect?
What times will works occur?
How will I be notified about upcoming works?
Still have questions?
If you have any questions about planned works you can email us or call the project hotline.
Works notices
Works notice - Crane removal and temporary closures of Lewis and Cooke Courts December 2024.pdf
Road access will temporarily change – August 2024.pdf
Changes to car parking – February 2024.pdf
Start of construction works – August 2023 - English .pdf
شارع إليزابيث، شمال ريتشموند | إشعار ببدء الأشغال | أغسطس/ آب ألفين وثلاثة وعشرون
Elizabeth Street、North Richmond | 工程通知 | 2023 年 8 月
Elizabeth Street, North Richmond | Thông báo công trình | Tháng 8 2023