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Homes Victoria Affordable Frequently Asked Questions

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Homes Victoria Affordable is easing housing affordability and increasing availability of affordable rental homes for eligible Victorians that may be struggling to enter or maintain access to the private rental market. 

I’m on a very low income, can I still apply for an affordable property?

No. For households on very low income, the cost of weekly rental would likely place you into ”rental stress” – see our explanation below

Social housing is for people on low to very low incomes who need housing, especially those who have recently experienced homelessness, family violence or have other special needs. 

You can apply for social housing through the Victorian Housing Register.

For more information, including how to apply visit: www.homes.vic.gov.au/social-housing

What is “rental stress” and how is it measured?

The Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) defines “rental stress” as housing that costs more than 30% of the gross household income.

High levels of rental stress mean that affordability may be low and, as a result, those households may be less able to pay for basic needs, including essential items, healthcare and food.1

Successful ballot applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis to ensure renters are not put into rental stress as defined by the ABS.

Some real estate agents use a rental calculator such as the below to determine if you would be in rental stress – you can do the same if you are unsure:


Jane has an income of $1,300 per week ($67,600 per year) – 30% of her income is $390. Paying less than this on rent per week will not put Jane into rental stress, meaning she will have enough income after paying rent to cover food, education and other living costs. 

You can use this table as a guide:

Annual income before tax (gross) of a single person living in metro MelbourneApprox max rental amount you can pay without being in rental stress

How will Homes Victoria ensure a fair selection process for renters?

Victorians need to first meet the eligibility criteria for a Homes Victoria Affordable home. This ensures that homes are targeted to the people who qualify for them, and applicants are treated fairly throughout the application process.

Renters that meet the eligibility criteria can apply for homes that suit their needs. 

What size house/number of bedrooms can I apply for?

E.g., could 3 people apply to share a 2-bedroom home?

Homes Victoria has developed housing size guidelines to support the allocation and utilisation of Homes Victoria Affordable housing.

The guidelines aim to ensure homes allocated to applicants do not lead to too few people in a home (e.g., singles in 2-bedroom homes) or overcrowding (e.g., families in homes with insufficient bedrooms to support children at different life stages)

  • The following principles have guided the development of these guidelines:
  • The number of bedrooms cannot exceed the number of applicants/people in a household.
  • A family can include singles or couples who have occasional child visits under a custody or shared care arrangement. Further documentation may be required during the verification process.
Household Groupings1-Bdm2-Bdm3-Bdm
Single person aged 18+ Eligible Not eligible Not eligible 
Couple aged 18+ Eligible Eligible Not eligible 
1 parent and 1 child Not eligible Eligible Not eligible 
2 parents and 1 child Not eligible Eligible Eligible 
1 parent and 2 children Not eligible Eligible Eligible 
2 parents and 2 children Not eligible Eligible Eligible 
1 or 2 parents and 3 children Not eligible Not eligible Eligible 
1 or 2 parents and 4 children Not eligible Not eligible Eligible 
2 people aged 18+ (non-couple) Not eligible Eligible Not eligible 
3 people aged 18+ (non-couple) Not eligible Not eligible Eligible 
3 people aged 18+ (couple and a single) Not eligible Eligible Eligible 

These guidelines apply to all ballots advertised for Hawthorn and any new sites. This includes any vacancies that may arise across the program effective from 1 July 2024

How is affordable housing defined in Victoria?

Under the Planning and Environment Act 1987, ‘affordable housing’ is a broad term that describes housing suitable for very low to moderate income households and housing that is priced (whether purchased or rented) so these households can meet essential living costs.

Income thresholds are updated each year to reflect median household income per Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) data. Find out more information about income thresholds here (see page 1222). 

Homes Victoria Affordable is aimed towards low to moderate income households.

All Homes Victoria Affordable homes across Victoria start affordable and stay affordable.

This means:

  • Rents will never be more than market rent with the added protection of a cap set at 30% of a median income. 
  • A 3-year lease, with the ability for eligible renters to extend their lease for a further 3 years (if eligible). If a household income does not fall within the eligible limits, a notice to vacate will be issued.
  • Rent will be increased annually, but no more than 5%.

What is the difference between social and affordable housing?

Homes Victoria Affordable housing is different to social housing. Social housing is for people on very low to low incomes who need housing, especially those who have recently experienced homelessness, family violence or have other special needs.

People in social housing pay a percentage of their income on rent. People in Homes Victoria Affordable rental homes pay the advertised rent price which is priced at approximately 10% lower than private rental, with annual rent increases. 

How much will rent cost?

Rent will be set at least 10% below the market rental cost in metropolitan Melbourne and at market rent in regional Victoria. This will ensure that homes are affordable wherever they are located.

The homes do not currently qualify for Commonwealth Rent Assistance under current Commonwealth Government policy.

Why is the rental fixed for 3 years?

Fixed-term leases of up to 3 years provide more security and stability for renters compared to most existing private rental contracts. 

Rent will be increased annually, but no more than 5%. See below.

With affordable rent costs fixed for 3 years, renters have time to save for a house deposit or move back to a private rental.

Once the first 3 years are complete, eligible renters may have the option to roll their lease agreement over to another 3-year term.

Three-year leases provide the Victorian Government with a strong platform to attract not for profit or private sector co-investment to meet Victoria’s longer term affordable housing needs.

If renters choose, they can end their lease at any time, giving 28 days notice to their tenancy manager of their intention to move out.

Who will be responsible for the housing maintenance?

The tenancy manager will be responsible for all housing maintenance.

Where and when will the next properties be available?

Homes will become available from time to time when a renter leaves one of the Homes Victoria Affordable properties. Please check the listings on a regular basis for availability.

What happens if my income changes while I’m renting a Homes Victoria Affordable home?

If your income changes while you’re renting a Homes Victoria Affordable, it is your responsibility to report this to your tenancy manager.

If it comes to the attention of the tenancy manager that your new income exceeds the eligibility threshold, then they may ask you to re-provide evidence of your income and pay market rent e.g., no subsidy, until the end of your tenure.

Is there a limit to the number of people who can occupy one, 2 and 3-bedroom homes? 

E.g., could 3 people apply to share a 2-bedroom home?

As long as your household meets the income threshold, and your application is deemed eligible e.g., it does not put your household into financial stress, then it is fine to add more people to your application.

What information will I need to provide in my application?

The application will be an online form. The form will ask for basic contact details, household details (including combined household income), address and employment history.

Applicants will need to enter all details of people who will live in the home, even if they only live at the home part time.

A completed application will include:

  • Names, address(es) and contact details for each adult applicant
  • Details of children and pets who will live at the home (if applicable) 
  • Address and employment history
  • Statement that applicants are residents of Victoria (proof sighted by tenancy manager at Verify stage) 
  • Statement of Australian residency or citizenship (proof sighted by tenancy manager at Verify stage)
  • Proof of income for all adults in the home through payslips
  • Asset test: applicants must declare they do not own commercial real estate or another home.

Is my data secure?

Renters remain in control of their data and can withdraw their application or delete their profile at any time.

Data provided will be securely stored for 60 days during the application process. After this time your data is deleted permanently.

What is the quality and standard of the homes?

  • All homes will be built to modern design standards and meet a minimum 6-star NatHERS energy rating.
  • All homes aim to achieve a minimum silver standard of liveability for accessibility to and within the property, supporting people with additional needs.
  • All homes will also be built to modern residential standards, including landscaping and an urban design that complements the local neighbourhood. 
  • Homes are cheaper to heat and cool and provide year-round thermal comfort thanks to environmentally efficient design and the use of green renewable energy.

On sites we’ve developed, Homes Victoria is implementing innovative energy initiatives to provide renters with the very best energy deal in the market powered by 100% renewable energy – reducing our carbon footprint and energy costs for renters.

What happens at the end of a rental term?

Eligible renters can renew lease agreements, where possible, following an eligibility assessment at the end of the first 3 years.

If a renter becomes ineligible to extend the lease for another term, Homes Victoria will support renters with a longer notice period.

Homes Victoria will comply with the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 and relevant recent reforms in the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2018  to support renters’ rights.

Why are you using a ballot system?

Current renters and research organisations have told us about the bias in the way homes can be allocated in the private rental market. This bias means that not all renters are treated fairly and equitably. 

This negatively impacts local communities when people can’t access a safe place to live and reduces their choices when they are looking for a new home.

Eligible applicants will be able to apply for a new affordable home through a ballot system. This means that each eligible applicant who applies has an equal chance of being selected through the ballot. Allocating by ballot will remove discrimination and bias and ensure a fair result amongst eligible renters. 

Eligible applications will enter the ballot once per dwelling. This allows all successful, eligible applicants an equal chance of securing their chosen home.

Do applications need to be submitted online?

Yes, applications are only received online.

How do I make a complaint?

If you are dissatisfied with the service you have been provided by the tenancy manager or your complaint has not been resolved by the Victorian Affordable Rental Consortium Tenancy Manager | Homes Victoria, you can seek assistance from Department of Families Fairness and Housing Victoria | Making a complaint (dffh.vic.gov.au)

Homes Victoria Affordable is easing housing affordability and increasing availability of affordable rental homes for eligible Victorians that may be struggling to enter or maintain access to the private rental market.

See below for some Frequently Asked Questions relating to the Affordable Housing Rental Scheme.