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Homes Victoria Affordable Housing Rental Scheme Complaint process

Homes Victoria Affordable aims to provide safe and high-quality homes for people who live in our properties.

We will provide residents a fair and due process for addressing concerns.

What can you make a complaint or provide feedback about?

If you are a renter, you can make a complaint or provide feedback about your Homes Victoria affordable home or your experience with our service. 

This includes but is not limited to the following: 

  • Repairs or maintenance needed at your home 
  • You were not treated with respect, with dignity or denied privacy
  • You were given unsatisfactory service
  • You have a dispute with a neighbour 
  • Services provided made you feel unsafe, hurt or unhappy
  • You are worried about safety in your home, or there are any other concerns about your safety or the safety of the people you live with. 
  • The core focus of our complaints process is to assist in facilitating an outcome for the complainant. This will be through local resolution where possible. We will also ensure the tenancy manager has acted in accordance with their policies and procedures.

How to make a complaint or provide feedback

If you would like to make a complaint or provide feedback about your property we ask that you make contact in the first instance with your relevant tenancy manager. Click on the following links for complaints handling processes:

National Affordable Housing 

Womens Property Initiatives

Property Initiatives Real Estate Agency

Argyle Housing

Barry Plant Real Estate.

You may ask someone else to lodge a complaint or provide feedback on your behalf if you give them your permission to so, for example a family member, friend or an advocate. 

If you are dissatisfied with the outcome, you can ask your tenancy manager to review their decision by following the tenancy manager’s internal appeals process. More information on the tenancy managers complaints and appeals process can be found on Victorian Affordable Rental Consortium.

What if my complaint is not resolved?

If you are unable to resolve the matter directly with your tenancy manager, please send your request in writing to the Victorian Affordable Rental Consortium via varc@nahc.org.au and provide details of your complaint. Information on how to make a complaint to VARC can be found on Victorian Affordable Rental Consortium.

Contact your tenancy manager
↓   If your complaint has not been resolved
Contact the Victorian Affordable Rental Consortium
If your complaint has not been resolved   ↓
Raise your complaint with Homes Victoria

Where can I go to get further support?

Homes Victoria

If you are still dissatisfied with the outcome of the tenancy manager or the Victorian Affordable Rental Consortium has not resolved your complaint, you can seek assistance from the Homes Victoria affordable team.

Please write with your complaint to affordable@homes.vic.gov.au. We ask you to provide the following information

  • Name, address
  • Issue that you want addressed
  • Why you have escalated this complaint
  • What result you would like
  • How we can make contact

Homes Victoria affordable will review your complaint and contact the tenancy manager to determine what has been done to resolve it.

If the tenancy manager is not aware of your complaint, we will direct you back to the tenancy manager to resolve it.

If the tenancy manager is aware of your complaint and has had reasonable time to resolve it, we will make an assessment and assist both parties to resolve the issue. In some circumstances, it may not be possible to resolve a complaint to your satisfaction; the reasons for this will be communicated.

If we find that the tenancy manager has breached its obligations, we may take regulatory action.

Please let us know if you have any concerns about sharing your personal information. However, if you want to receive a response, you will need to provide your name and contact details.

As part of communicating with you to resolve your concerns Homes Victoria will: 

provide information that is helpful, accurate, and easy to understand

promptly refer requests to the appropriate person

contact you to acknowledge your complaint within 3 working days 

Homes Victoria will take all reasonable steps to resolve your complaint and provide you with a written response within 30 days. In some circumstances, it may take longer than 30 days to resolve your complaint; this will be discussed with you.

The Victorian Ombudsman

If you are unsatisfied with how the tenancy manager, Homes Victoria and VCAT handled your complaint, you can contact the Victorian Ombudsman (opens in a new window) through their complaints process.

Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal

The Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (VCAT) provides fair, efficient and affordable justice for the Victorian community. VCAT makes decisions about a wide range of cases or by helping people to resolve disputes.

  • Phone: 1300 018 228
  • Website: VCAT 

Consumer Affairs

Consumer Affairs Victoria’s Estate Agent Resolution Service (EARS) may be able to offer advice about your dispute before you lodge a complaint.

  • Phone: 1300 73 70 30

You can also make a written complaint to Consumer Affairs Victoria.

Tenants Victoria

Tenants Victoria can provide advice about your rights.

Commissioner for Residential Tenancies

The Commissioner listens to the experiences of tenants in private rental (as well as residents of rooming houses, caravan parks and residential parks, and specialist disability accommodation). You can engage with the Commissioner by: 

  • Contacting the Commissioner's office
  • Telling your rental story
  • Joining the Renters Advisory Group
  • The Commissioner uses the information provided directly from renters to inform their submissions to Government.

Interpreter Services

If you speak a language other than English or have difficulty reading written information, you can get help over the telephone. For more information on our interpreter services please visit:  Housing Vic. interpreter services

What happens to the information collected by Homes Victoria about your complaint?

Your personal information should only be used to respond to your complaint. For information about how Homes Victoria collect, use and store personal or health information, you should refer to the DFFH Privacy Policy.

The investigation of your complaint may involve sharing the information you have given us with other relevant areas within the department, to try and resolve it. 

We will speak to you about this process when we respond to your complaint.